There are no direct flights to Mykonos. Tour operators and airlines will book you straight through to the island with a stop in Athens. If you are organising independent travel it is best to fly into Athens where daily connecting flights are available to Mykonos. Another option on arriving in Athens is to take the bus to Rafina, an hourâs journey, from where there is a regular ferry service to the island, taking around two hours.
UK and Republic of Ireland Airports and Airlines Serving Athens
Aberdeen: British Airways (via Heathrow)
Edinburgh: British Airways (via Heathrow)
Glasgow: British Airways (via Heathrow)
London Gatwick: Easyjet, Olympic Airlines,
London Heathrow: British Airways, Olympic Airlines
London Luton: EasyJet
London Stansted: Aegean Airlines
Manchester: Easyjet, Olympic Airlines,