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Rhodes Live Weather, Greece



19° 66°

Your Time: Time in Rhodes: 02:53

2:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 58m
  • Pressure
    30" (1022 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    8 km/h

Sunrise 07:23

Sunset 18:21
  • Temp feels like:

    19ºC (67 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 58m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1022 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    8 km/h

Weather Overview For Rhodes, Greece

Rhodes is the largest of the Greek Dodecanese Islands, southwest of mainland Greece and north-east of Crete.

This island is best known for its beautiful beaches, ancient ruins and historical remnants of the Knights of Saint John occupation. It also enjoys pleasantly warm weather, due to the island's southerly European location.

The island, which is shaped like a spearhead, covers approximately 1,400 km2  with a staggering 220km of coastline.

The city of Rhodes the island's capital is located on the northern tip, as are the island's ancient and modern harbours.

Rhodes Weather Averages

Rhodes enjoys a typical Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters with a bit of rain. Over the course of a year, the temperature rarely drops below 7°C or rises above 33°C.

On average, August is the hottest month of the year in Rhodes, when the average temperature is 27°C. 

January and February are the coldest months when the average temperature is 13°C.

The majority of precipitation falls between November and March, with JuneJuly and August generally bone dry.

The island's 300 days of sunshine per year and warm average sea temperatures have helped make it the popular tourist destination it is today.

Summer Weather in Rhodes

How Hot Is Rhodes in Summer?

Summer is the most popular time to visit Rhodes, when the sun shines for hours on end and temperatures are high.

Between June and September, the average temperature for the season is 25.5°C.

Average temperatures rise steadily throughout summer, peaking at 27°C in August (the hottest month of the season). Temperatures start to drop as summer develops into autumn.

Temperatures can hit the late 30s in summer, but only if there is a Sirocco wind from the Sahara Desert. These can bump up the temperature by 10°C, reduce visibility and the air can feel very dry. Note this can cause breathing difficulties for anyone with respiratory problems.

Sirocco wind storms rarely last for more than a couple of days.

How Windy Is Rhodes In Summer?

Even though nightfall won't bring much relief, the Meltemi wind helps keep Rhodes relatively cool. It prevails between May and October, although it's strongest between July and September.

Coastal areas get the most benefit from this wind, which loses strength when it travels inland or is blocked by the mountainous terrain.

How Much Does It Rain In Rhodes In Summer?

Rain is almost unheard of in Rhodes in the summer, with no precipitation between June and August on average.


The summer is the sunniest season by far. With 14 daily sunshine hours, June and July are the sunniest months of the year in Rhodes, but August and September aren't far behind with 13 and 11 respectively. 

Sea Temperature

Rhodes is in the middle of both the Aegean Sea in the north and the Mediterranean Sea in the south, both of which are remarkably warm in summer.

The sea is warmest in August, at a pleasant 25°C. However, the average sea temperature doesn't drop below 21°C  in summer, so it will always be warm enough for a dip regardless of when you visit.

Autumn Weather in Rhodes

Autumn is one of the best seasons to visit Rhodes, when temperatures are still warm, but the island is less crowded.

It's a perfect time for travellers who like sport on holiday (Rhodes is usually too hot for walking or cycling in summer), or those who love to bag a bargain on accommodation and flights.


Between October and November, the average Rhodes temperature starts off at a mild 21°C, thanks to highs of 24°C and lows of 18°C. It drops to a cooler 17°C with highs of 19°C and lows of 14°C.

You might get away with beachwear in the daytime and shorts/skirts on an evening in October, if you visit Rhodes in November, you might need a jumper after sunset. 


In October, an average of 68mm falls over the course of five days. This increases to 105mm over the course of eight wet days by November.

The most common type of autumn rain in Rhodes is thunderstorms, followed by moderate rainfall.

Even though rainfall is relatively high compared to the dry summer, when it does rain, it's usually heavy and quick.


As the probability of rainfall increases into autumn, the number ofdaily sunshine hours decreases.

October isees nine daily hours of sun, while November has eight. Despite this decrease, you'll still get plenty of opportunities to sunbathe and work on your tan. But you might find that it's only warm enough to sunbathe during the middle of the day, when temperatures are highest.

Rhodes Sea Temperature

The Aegean Sea around Rhodes holds onto the heat of summer well into autumn, when its temperature is an average of 21°C. This is definitely warm enough for a dip!

Winter Weather in Rhodes


Winters in Rhodes are mild, but wet. Between December and February, the average temperature is 13.5°C, with average highs of 15.5°C and average lows of 11°C.

Although these temperatures are cold compared to the rest of Rhodes' seasons, they're much milder than many other European destinations. Rhodes is a popular place to soak up the winter sun.


On average, December is the wettest month of the year in Rhodes, with 141mm of precipitation over 13 days.

This is followed closely by January with 135mm of rainfall over 11 wet days; February has 102mm of rainfall over 10 days.

With such a high number of days experiencing at least some type of rainfall, you're practically guaranteed a wet spell or two during your holiday. 

Similar to summer, the most common forms of autumn precipitation in Rhodes are thunderstorms and moderate rainfall.


In spite of the heavy rainfall, Rhodes still boasts a fair amount of sunshine in winter. The sun shines for an average of seven hours each day although you'll only find an hour or two warm enough for sunbathing. 

Sea Tempearture

In December, the average sea temperature is 18°C, which is borderline warm enough for swimming. However, this drops down to 17°C in January and 16°C in February.

Spring Weather in Rhodes

Is Rhodes Hot In Spring?

After a cool, wet winter, Rhodes weather starts to improve in spring, as sunshine hours and temperatures increase.

Between March and May, the average temperature is 17°C, which increases rapidly as the season develops.

This average temperature is created by highs of 17°C to 23°C and average lows of 11°C to 17°C. So if you visit at the start of spring, be prepared for chilly evenings. If you wait until May, you can expect much warmer temperatures both day and night.

Rain In Spring

Rhodes average rainfall drops significantly as the season develops.

March sees 81mm of rainfall over eight days; April gets 35mm of rainfall over six days; May has just 9mm of rainfall over three days.

If you want to keep your chances of Rhodes rainfall down to an absolute minimum, plan your holiday for as late in May as possible.

Thunderstorms, moderate rainfall and light rainfall are all fairly common at this time of year, which means you should expect the odd heavy downpour.


As Rhodes leaves winter behind and embraces spring, daily sunshine hours increase rapidly. March enjoys nine daily hours of sunshine, April sees 11 hours and May enjoys 12 daily hours.

Sea Temperature

Unlike the sunshine hours which rapidly increase, the average sea temperature takes a little longer to catch up.

At 16°C and 17°C in March and April, respectively, the sea is a bit too cool for swimming. However, by the time it warms up to 19°C in May, most people will find it comfortable enough for swimming.

Inland Rhodes

The above weather tendencies mainly describe the coastal regions of Rhodes, which are most popular with tourists. The inland region is hilly its highest peak is over 1200m.

The hills cause regional variation, adding to the expected effect of slightly more pronounced seasons away from the sea.

Hilly regions get more rain as clouds have a greater chance of forming and higher altitudes always receive cooler temperatures.