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Halkidiki Live Weather, Achaia, Greece



17° 63°

Your Time: Time in Halkidiki: 22:10

10:00 PM, Sun 27th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 39m
  • Pressure
    30" (1025 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    5 km/h

Sunrise 07:50

Sunset 18:29
  • Temp feels like:

    17ºC (63 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 39m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1025 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    5 km/h

Halkidiki, Greece is one of the go to destinations for a beach holiday. The beaches found in the region are unparalleled and you will find activities from diving to yacht charters among the most popular. Many of the beaches are not developed so you will be able to take in the natural beauty without distraction, although if you would like a more developed resort area, there are plenty to choose from. The food is another standout for the region with traditional Greek fare served up in Tavernas, as well as international favourites and fusion dishes on the menus of several highly acclaimed restaurants. Culture vultures will definitely enjoy Halkidiki the area being home to the birthplace of Aristotle, Mount Athos, one of the most holy areas in the world, and countless archaeological sites, too.  

Summer Weather in Halkidiki

The summer in Halkidiki will be the peak season for visitors and with good reason. The weather is the best for the year and will play a large impact on a very fun holiday.


The average temperature continues its climb from the spring months with June seeing an average temperature of 23°C (73°F), July seeing the highest average temperature for the year with 26°C (78°F) and August following close behind with an average of 25°C (77°F).


The summer months see a low as far as rain is concerned with June seeing a 30% chance of precipitation, thunderstorms being most common. July sees a 22% chance of precipitation with thunderstorms being most common. August sees a low of 21% with thunderstorms again the most common.

Sunshine Hours

The average daily sunshine hours are at their highest with June seeing 12, July seeing 13 (highest for the year) and August seeing 12 as well.

Sea Temperature

The average sea temperature will be the warmest for the year with June experiencing an average of 22°C (72°F), July with an average of 24°C (75°F) and August at the warmest for the year with 25°C (77°F).


The average humidity throughout the summer season is 58%.

Autumn Weather in Halkidiki

Autumn, like spring sees most of the benefits of the favourable weather without the crowds. The temperatures will still be rather warm and average sea temperatures are some of the best for the year, perfect for a beach holiday.


The average temperatures begins to fall from the summer months with September experiencing an average temperature of 23°C (73°F), October experiencing an average temperature of 19°C (66°F) and November seeing a significant drop at 14°C (58°F).


The autumn months begin to trek into the wet season with September experiencing a 25% chance of precipitation and thunderstorms most likely to occur. October sees a 30% chance of precipitation with moderate rain most likely to occur. November sees the highest chance of precipitation for the autumn months with a 39% chance and moderate rain most likely to occur.

Sunshine Hours

The average daily sunshine hours begin to lower from summer but are still perfect for your holiday. September sees average daily sunshine hours of 9, October sees an average of 8 and November sees an average of 7.

Sea Temperature

The average sea temperature stays warm with some of the highest levels of the year. September sees an average sea temperature of 24°C (75°F), October sees an average of 22°C (72°F) while November sees an average sea temperature of 19°C (66°F).


The average humidity throughout the autumn season is 68%.

Winter Weather in Halkidiki

The winter season in Halkidiki is the coldest and least pleasant season of the year. It still will be slightly warmer than parts of the UK and Europe so the unfavourable weather should not deter you from visiting this wonderful area.


The average temperature continues its descent from the autumn months with December seeing an average temperature of 11°C (51°F) while January and February see an average temperature of 9°C (49°F), the lowest of the year.


December is also the peak of the rainy season with a 39% chance of precipitation, moderate rain being the most common. January sees a 37% chance of precipitation with moderate rain the most common as well. February sees much of the same with a 36% chance of precipitation and moderate rain the most common. During the winter there is a slight chance of snow.

Sunshine Hours

The average daily sunshine hours are the lowest for the year in the winter months with December experiencing 5, January experiencing 4 (lowest for the year) and February experiencing 5.

Sea Temperature

The average sea temperature will be quite cool, but diving will definitely still be possible. The average sea temperature for December is 17°C (63°F), January sees an average of 16°C (61°F) and February sees an average sea temperature of 15°C (59°F).


The average humidity throughout the winter season is 74%.

Spring Weather in Halkidiki

The spring season starts to take a turn for the better from the cold, rainy and dark winter months. This is a perfect time to visit the region as the weather becomes favourable with the visitors from the summer months yet to arrive.


The average temperature begins to rise from the winter months with March seeing an average temperature of 12°C (53°F), April seeing an average of 15°C (58°F) and May seeing an average temperature of 19°C (65°F).


The chance of rainfall stays about the same as the winter months with March having a 37% chance of precipitation, moderate rain being most common. April also sees a 37% chance of precipitation with moderate rain most common. May sees a 38% chance of precipitation with thunderstorms the most common.

Sunshine Hours

The average daily sunshine hours start to take on their normal form with March experiencing 8, April experiencing 9 and May experiencing 11.

Sea Temperature

The average sea temperature begins to warm up, perfect for all your holiday water activities. The average sea temperature in March is 15°C (59°F), April sees an average of 16°C (61°F) and May sees an average of 18°C (64°F).


The average humidity throughout the spring season is 67%.

If you're looking for a weather forecast for Halkidiki, you are advised to visit this page.