What's the weather like in Los Cristianos in February
In Los Cristianos during February the resort experiences constant daily high temperatures compared to most of Europe at this time of year.
The average low temperature is 59°F (15°C) but the average high temperature reaches 72°F (22°C), making the days quite comfortable. No matter what time of year, tourists can enjoy all the amenities that Los Cristianos has to offer, including things like golfing and deep-sea fishing.
Average Sea Temperature
The average sea temperature is also warming up, and many tourists will find swimming and other water activities comfortable at this time of year. During February the average sea temperature stays around a warm 19°C that's exactly the same as January and March.
There is an average of 0.7" (20 mm) of precipitation during this month, and this rainfall, sometimes only drizzle, comes on 3 days of the month. The winter months in Los Cristianos are usually the wettest period. However, there is nothing really to worry about as the probability that some form of precipitation will be observed during your holiday at this time of year is only a mere 14%.
Humidity levels during February are relatively low. They tend to fluctuate between a comfortable 49% and humid 80%, rarely dropping below 30% or exceeding 91%. The air is most likely to be driest around February 29th, at which time the relative humidity drops below a mildly humid 58% three days out of four. On the other hand, the air is most humid around February 16th, where humidity levels are expected to rise above 75% three days out of four.
Daylight Hours
There is an average of 11 hours of daylight per day. Over the course of February, the length of day is gradually increasing. Compared to January the amount of sunshine hours have increased by approximately one hour, from six hours per day to seven hours. On average, the shortest day of the month is February 1st with 10:45 hours of daylight, whilst the longest day is February 29th with a total of 11:35 hours of daylight.
Cloud Cover
Cloud cover at this time of year is also generally low at a mostly clear 36% and does not vary substantially over the course of the month.
Furthermore, throughout the month of February in Los Cristianos typical wind speeds vary from 4 mph to 22 mph, rarely exceeding 31 mph. The highest average wind speed of a moderate 13 mph usually occurs towards the end of the month around February 26th, at which time the average daily maximum wind speed is a fresh breeze of 22 mph. At this time of year the wind is coming from the east, followed closely by the northeast.
Los Cristianos Hotels in February
Apartamentos Los Alisios is a three-star hotel located in the heart of Los Cristianos. This attractive Canarian holiday complex is an ideal holiday destination for both couples and families as there are a number of facilities here including an outdoor swimming pool. The complex also enjoys a peaceful and secluded location, located next to the Atlantic Ocean with conveniences nearby such as shops, restaurants and bars.
The four-star Hotel Paradise Park is another option worth looking into if you're thinking of staying in Los Cristianos. This stunning hotel offers breathtaking views over the Bay of Los Cristianos and even Mount Teide on top of the rooftop terrace. All rooms at this hotel come with air-conditioing and feature either a private balcony or terrace, as well as a satellite TV