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Moscow Live Weather, Russia



6° 43°

Your Time: Time in Moscow: 02:53

2:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    09h 51m
  • Pressure
    30" (1017 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    19 km/h

Sunrise 07:18

Sunset 17:09
  • Temp feels like:

    2ºC (36 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    09h 51m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1017 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    19 km/h

Weather Moscow 

Russia's geographical boundary extends from the polar region in the north to subtropical regions in the south, making it the largest country in the world. The country shows a close resemblance with Canada's climatic behaviour take for example Winnipeg, features rather bleak weather conditions. The country's capital Moscow has a continental-humid climate featuring long, harsh winters to hot, humid and brief summers. When one thinks of Moscow, they typically imagine cold, freezing weather conditions, which is true for a major part of the month. But what many people do not know, is that Moscow can get pretty hot during the summers, especially between the months of June and August on an average.

Moscow's weather graph spans from temperatures as low as -9 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius all through the year, and a relatively high humidity level ranging from 85 per cent to 64 per cent. Moscow's hottest months include June, July and August, while the coldest times of the year are in December, January and February. Also, Moscow's relative humidity is highest in December and lowest in the month of May. Moscow sees the highest rainfall of the year during the month of July with about 3.5 inches, and the lowest in the month of March (around 1.4 inches), making it the driest month of the year where most of the precipitation takes the form of snow. Snowfall is maximum during the months of December, January and February and minimum in April, May and September. The city experiences no snowfall during June, July and August. The amount of daylight that the country sees also varies to a large extent over the course of the month. While the city only sees about 7 hours of daylight In December, the longest days occur during the months of June, July and May with about 16 to 17 hours of daylight.

Moscow is best visited during the warm and sunny months (June, July, August) which is the peak tourist season here, or even during spring time (April, May) while the tourist season is yet about to begin and the sun begins to shine for significant number of hours per day. While the spring is great to escape the high tourist prices at hotels and other places of tourist interest, you can try visiting in the early fall (September to October) if you want to escape the maddening tourist crowd. While winters are brutally harsh, Moscow's true charm and magic is intense in its glistening winter months, and if you can brave the snow and icy conditions during this time, it can be an enchanting experience in the winters too.

Winter Weather in Moscow

Winter in Moscow begins somewhere from mid-November and lasts until mid-March. While this is the coldest and longest, probably the most uncomfortable time of the year for residents, this is truly the season when the city takes up a whole new look. Moscow is most beautiful during its glistening, icy winters with blankets of snow covering everything from the branches of trees, roads and building roof tops. The winters are when unique cultural experiences unravel, and the temperature is at its romantic best. If you are planning for a trip with your love interest to this part of the world, winters are an amazing time to visit.

The winter temperatures can range from highs of about 0.8 degrees Celsius and stoop to lows of about -9 degrees Celsius across the winter months. The humidity during these months is at an all-time high, from about 80 per cent to 85 per cent, December being the month with the highest relative humidity. The high precipitation during the winters mostly takes the form of snow, while one can expect some surprise icy showers throughout the course of winter. Among the winter months from mid-November to mid-March, November experiences the highest rainfall (about 2.3 inches) closely followed by December and January (with 2.1 inches). March records the lowest rainfall over the entire year (about 1.4 inches). January is estimated to be the month of highest snowfall (18 days) followed closely by December and February. Also, December is the darkest month of the year, experiencing daylight of only about 7 hours with November and January, slightly a step above at 8 hours each. The sunshine experienced across the winter months on an average is about 1.5 hours.

Spring Weather in Moscow

Spring marks the beginning of a beautiful time of the year in Moscow. The ice and snow start thawing in mid-March, and give way to a lot of slush and dirt over the months of March and April. But by mid-April, usually the worst has come to an end, and one can see the first set of leaves and the first blade of grass. Down a few weeks, the entire scenario of the city changes, with lush and green wherever you go. Spring is a favourite time for Russians, with the city bidding farewell to the long winters, and warmly welcoming nature into every bit of their lives. This is the time when people truly spend their tie outdoor, hanging out with family and friends, enjoying the crisp, comfortable and fresh air and a delightful, clear view.

The spring months (mid- March to May), experience highs of 18.6 degrees Celsius to lows of 2.6 degrees Celsius. While the weather during the day may be comfortably cosy, the evenings may still get cool and jittery. These months experience the lowest humidity in comparison with the other months of the year about 64 per cent to 74 per cent on an average. Rainfall too is occasional, with the city experiencing just 1.4 inches to 1.9 inches of rainfall throughout. While March experiences a few days of snowfall- about 9 days, the months of April and May experience very less (about 0.1 to 1 days) of snowfall. The average daylight hours gradually increase over the course of Spring, with 12 hours in March to 16 hours in the month of May. In spring, the average sunshine experienced is about 6 hours.

Summer Weather in Moscow

Summer season is when tourists throng to this place of cultural interest, and the rates sky rocket to sky-high rates during this time of the year. Climate or otherwise, Moscow is at its bustling best during this time of the month, and is a great time to visit with friends and family. Being a landlocked city, the temperatures during summer can soar considerably high, and the locals usually find a way to cool off by visiting cooler regions or vacationing abroad. During summer, there are events and activities happening almost every day, making this a great time or some traditional and cultural exploration.

Summer in Moscow starts during June and lasts until August, recording average temperatures from 12.1 degrees Celsius to 24.3 degrees Celsius, July being the warmest month in general. The average humidity also gradually increases during this time, from 70 per cent in June to about 77 per cent in August, with June and August experiencing about 3.2 inches of rainfall to July experiencing about 3.4 inches of rainfall. The city experiences the longest amount of daylight during June and July -about 17 hours and about 15 hours in August. The month with most sunshine during the summer is June with an average stat of 9.3 hours. Also, the sunshine experienced during summer is around 8.5 hours on an average.

Autumn Weather in Moscow

Autumn in Moscow is picturesque and beautiful, and the cultural city takes over activities and events with full swing. This colourful and golden season sees trees change colours as leaves turn from green to gold, and nature bursts with colour. This weather in Russia often brings in cold weather and pieces of wonderful sunlight, and with the grand hues of the golden autumn, the city is mesmerizing to watch. The season sees the celebration of the Golden Autumn festival where nature is celebrated at its best, with cultural events, cookery classes and activities for all ages. This time of the year also brings in events, concerts, traditional celebrations, ballet performances and is a great season for Muscovites to cheer and have a good time.

Autumn in Moscow starts in September and lasts until mid-November, when the weather starts getting cooler again. The weather in these months is not as warm as in summer, and not as cool as the winter months. The temperature ranges from highs of about 15.7 degrees Celsius to -3.3 degrees Celsius. Humidity gradually increases from 81 per cent to 84 per cent and the city experiences moderate rainfall over the course of the season. With October experiencing slightly heavy rainfall- about 2.8 inches, when compared to the other months September (2.7 inches) and November (2.2 inches), the snowfall experienced also gradually increases over the course of these months. While September sees slight snowfall (at just around 0.1 days), October has about 2 days of snow and November, about 10 days of snow. As November approaches, Moscow starts preparing for a long and gruesome winter ahead, with temperatures stooping to low levels and snow settling in gradually around the city. The average daylight for these months gradually decreases with September, October and November recording about 13 hours, 10 hours and 8 hours of daylight respectively. Sunshine hours during autumn are about 5.5 hours on an average.