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Berlin Live Weather, Berlin, Germany



8° 46°

Your Time: Time in Berlin: 01:47

1:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 07m
  • Pressure
    30" (1034 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    6 km/h

Sunrise 07:46

Sunset 17:53
  • Temp feels like:

    7ºC (45 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 07m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1034 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    6 km/h

Weather Berlin , Germany 

Berlin is the capital city of Germany and enjoys a temperate continental climate. Residents and visitors to this part of Western Europe experience all four seasons in the year, with warm summers and cold winters. The area receives moderate rainfall all year round, but overall the weather is great for visiting any month.

Typically, the eastern portions of Germany have colder temperatures throughout the year than the western parts. Berlin is an exception, staying warmer than the surrounding countryside and nearby towns like Lubars and Grunheide. The warming is thanks to its urban setting of buildings and roads that create an insulating effect. During the winter months, snow and frost are possible from December through March. In the summer, the humidity increases as the temperatures rise, but fortunately, neither get high enough to be uncomfortable.

The city has a storied history, with numerous national governments setting up there throughout the years including the Kingdom of Prussia, the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. In World War II, much of the city was devastated and destroyed by air raids and bombings. Most of the other buildings that remained were torn down and rebuilt in the years after the war. Some were rebuilt to honour the city and country's history, while others took on more modern architecture.

When you visit, along with history, you'll be treated to culture, nightlife and sports. The city is home to several music, art and dance communities and it has over 44 theatres and stages. Even if you aren't a partier, you have to check out the incredible nightlife of the city, with a plethora of restaurants, bars, clubs and event venues.

The people of Berlin are active and the city hosts a number of major sporting events throughout the year. It hosted the Summer Olympics in 1936, the FIFA World Cup in 2006 and the UEFA Championship Finals in 2015. Other events include the renowned Berlin Marathon, beach volleyball Grand Slam and numerous BMX events.

No matter where you choose to stay in the city, you'll be near the attractions and main sights thanks to an excellent public transportation system of buses, trains and trams. The city has hotels to fit every budget, from five-star brand name properties to budget-friendly smaller hotels. Fortunately, nearly any time of the year is a good one to visit Berlin, as the city has so much to offer visitors every month. Even in the dark days of winter, the city has plenty of indoor activities to keep you occupied and entertained. 

Spring Weather in Berlin

In the spring in Berlin, you can expect mild temperatures that quickly rise toward the end of the season.


The average daily temperature sits between 4°C and 14°C (about 39°F to 57°F). During the warmest parts of the day, the highs get up to 8°C to 19°C (around 46°F to 66°F), great temperatures for getting outside and exploring the city. It can still get pretty cold in the evening and overnight hours, with lows getting down to 0°C to 8°C (about 32°F to 46°F).


Rainfall amounts are moderate as well, with 36mm to 55mm of rain falling on average throughout the season. The months of March, April and May see between 13 and 14 days of rain on average, so it's a good idea to have an umbrella handy. You'll get between five and nine hours of sunshine each day, plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors.

Summer Weather in Berlin


When the summer rolls around in Berlin, the temperatures continue to rise and the rainfall amounts are all over the board. The average daily temperature is 17°C to 18°C (around 63°F to 64°F). Highs jump up to 22°C to 23°C (about 72°F to 73°F) with some humidity. Even with the more humid conditions, it's still nearly perfect weather for visiting Germany's capital city. July and August are the hottest months, with highs getting up to 23°C (about 73°F). At night, the lows drop down to 12°C to 13°C (around 54°F to 55°F).


June sees the most rainfall out of the year, with 71 mm falling across the month and 14 rain days on average. The other months have 45 mm to 62 mm of rainfall with 13 to 14 days of rain each month. Even though the rain amounts are similar to the rest of the year, summer feels wetter than the other months because the rain that falls tends to come all at once in bigger rain and thunder storms.

Sunshine Hours

The longest days also come in June, with 11 hours of sunshine each day on average that month and 9 to 10 hours of daylight the other months.

Autumn Weather in Berlin


The seasons continue to change in Berlin, with Autumn ushering in cooling temperatures and lower rain chances from the summer. The average daily temperature hovers anywhere between 5°C and 15°C (about 41°F to 59°F), with the cooler temperatures at the end of the season. The highs still get up to 7°C to 19°C (around 45°F to 66°F), great weather for enjoying the outdoors and sightseeing in the city. Expect lows to get down to 2°C to 10°C (around 36°F to 50°F).


During the months of September, October and November, the average rainfall is 36mm to 48mm. That amount falls over 12 to 15 days on average each month.

Sunshine Hours

Be prepared for the wetter weather with a good umbrella or poncho. You'll get between three to seven hours of daylight each day to enjoy the outdoors.

Winter Weather in Berlin


Cold temperatures and the possibility of snow comes in the winter months, with an average daily temperature of -1°C to 1°C (around 30°F to 34°F). In the warmest parts of the day, it only gets up to 2°C to 4°C (about 36°F to 39°F). Lows drop down to -3°C to -1°C (about 28°F to 30°F). If you don't mind the cold, Berlin can be beautiful in the winter, especially around the holidays and when the snow settles on the urban architecture. January is the coldest month, with a low of -3°C (about 27°F).


December, January and February see 34 mm to 51 mm of precipitation each month, with some of that falling as snow. The number of rain days each month is 12 to 16 days, so have rain gear ready just in case.

Sunshine Hours

The days are much shorter, with two to three hours of daylight on average each day, giving you a good excuse to head inside and explore the many museums, theatres and other indoor activities of the city. 

Weather Hazards

Fortunately, Berlin and the country of Germany don't experience many weather hazards and extreme weather. Occasionally, large wind storms will sweep across Europe, causing damage. These cyclones can cause land and structure damage, as well as loss of life. Fortunately, they are few and far between and more than likely, you won't face any crazy weather during your stay. Check the local forecast before you go to know exactly what to expect each day.