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Algarve Live Weather, Algarve, Portugal



21° 70°

Your Time: Time in Algarve: 00:47

12:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 56m
  • Pressure
    30" (1020 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    19 km/h

Sunrise 07:48

Sunset 18:44
  • Temp feels like:

    21ºC (70 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 56m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1020 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    19 km/h

What's the weather like in the Algarve ?

The Algarve is a region covering the southernmost portion of Portugal and boasts a fantastic Mediterranean climate that has seen it become one of Europe's most popular holiday destinations.

One of Europe's Sunniest Places

With an annual average of over 300 days of sun a year, the Algarve is one of Europe's sunniest places. The summer sees an impressive 12 hours of daily sunshine and almost no rain.

The Algarve region is close to the equator. It's exposure to weather systems coming over from the Mediterranean, most notably southern Spain, and from Africa, mean the weather is usually very warm.

Winds That Affect the Algarve Region

The region is open to Atlantic winds coming from the Atlantic, which is the reason Algarve is such a favourite with sailors and water sports enthusiasts. You will find the marinas packed full of yachts and the sea flecked with white sails. Fishing and sailing schools run courses all year round.

The Algarve is also a magnet for golfers from across the world, and has been for more than 30 years. This is mainly down to the region's famous coastline and mild climate during autumn and spring.

Resorts On The Spanish Border

The west coast, resorts on the Algarve's east, nearer to the spanish border, such as Monte Gordo and Tavira are generally hotter and drier than those to the west such as Lagos and Praia da Luz.

Summer Weather in Algarve 

Is The Algarve Hot In Summer?

In June to September, is filled with long days of brilliant sunshine and soaring heat. The average high temperature starts in the pleasant mid-20s then reaches a peak of 28ºC in July and August, which is similar to the Costa del Sol. September falls slightly back down to 26ºC. 

June and September the most comfortable months with average temperatures reaching 21ºC to 23ºC. However, in the peak months, daytime temperatures can rocket to the mid-30s, such as in August 2013, where temperatures soared up to 35ºC.

Nighttime lows rarely go below 20ºC, which makes it an ideal climate to eat out in the evening. Cooling sea breezes help to take the edge off the heat as do the moderately low humidity level

Sirocco Wind In The Algarve

If the wind comes from the south, up from Africa, temperatures can rocket. The sirocco wind that originates in the Sahara brings with it extreme heat, aridity and sometimes even sand.

What's The Highest Temperature Recorded in Portugal?

The highest temperature ever registered in Portugal was 47.4ºC in Amareleja in 2003 found northeast of the Algarve. This heatwave affected many parts of the Algarve, which contribute to widespread mountain fires.

Most of the summer in the Algarve is rain-free with an average of 10mm a month throughout the summer season. But on rare occasions, short-lived thunderstorms may occur.

Sunshine Hours In The Algarve

The sun shines for ten or more hours per day on average for the entire summer season from June till September. The average sea temperature can also rise up to 21ºC which is cool in comparison to the Mediterranean but more than warm enough for a long swim remember that this is the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Algarve boasts a number of stunning beaches such as Praia de Falesia and Arrifana Beach with great activities such as scuba diving and surfing.

Autumn Weather in Algarve 

The temperature in October and November, is very warm with an average high temperature of 22ºC in October and 19ºC in November. November night times, however, can be chilly at an average low of 13ºC.

Rainfall does increase but only to around 50mm, which is unlikely to cause more than a brief inconvenience. It usually falls in brief thunderstorms that come in from the Atlantic.

While sunshine levels are good for autumn at six to seven hours a day, they are dramatically reduced from the Algarve's summer sunshine levels, which can average at 12 hours per day.

Is The Sea Warm in Portugal in October?

However, the average sea temperature is starting to decrease, in October temperatures average at 19ºC and in November at 17ºC, compared to a positively warm 21ºC in August.

Humidity Levels in Autumn In The Algarve

Even though the temperatures are starting to decrease at this time of year, the humidity is starting to gradually rise.  The Algarve usually sees an average of 80% humidity compared to July which sees an average of a relatively comfortable 60% humidity.

What's The Weather Like in The Algarve in October?

October is one of the best months to visit the Algarve as temperatures still hover around the high 20's and can often reach the mid-30s. There may be the odd shower, but it is nothing compared to what you're likely to experience back in the UK.

One of the benefits of visiting the Algarve in the autumn is that tourist numbers are generally low, meaning the beaches don't get crowded. The warm weather also makes it comfortable to walk around and enjoy sports such as golf, cycling and hiking.

Winter Weather in Algarve 

December to February, is very mild with an average high temperature of 16ºC in December and February which drops just slightly to 15ºC in January.

Nighttime lows hover around 10ºC which is chilly but nowhere near as cold as the UK. It rarely to freezing though further from the coast it can dip down and frosts can occur.

Does it snow in Portugal?

In 2006, snow covered the beaches but freezing temperatures are still exceptionally rare in the Algarve. Gusts of hot wind blowing up from Africa are more likely when even winter temperatures can reach the low 20s.

Is The Sea In The Algarve Warm in WInter?

The average sea temperature in the winter season is around 14°C to 17°C, which is considered rather cool compared to the rest of the year, but fine for a quick dip.

Sunshine and Rain in The Algarve in WInter

Sunshine levels, peak at around six hours a day. Rainfall is also at its highest with an average maximum of 100mm in November and December but this usually sticks to short showers or thunderstorms.

Unusual Weather In The Algarve

It is very rare for the Algarve to experience extreme weather conditions, however, in January 2013, strong winds of up to 130kph and heavy rain caused widespread destruction.

The disaster was described as the biggest natural catastrophe in Portugal in recent years, and according to weather experts, was caused by a freak cyclone weather phenomenon, also known as explosive cyclogenesis, which is extremely rare in Portugal.

Spring Weather In Algarve

March to May, is a great time to visit as the temperatures rise and the sun returns. The average high temperature climbs to 18ºC in March, 20ºC in April and 22ºC in May, with an average low temperature of 10ºC to 13ºC from March to May. 

Sunshine levels jump to nine hours per day in April and ten hours in May, which is a considerable increase from the winter months which peak at six. Nighttime temperatures remain cool, so bring a coat for the evening.

Spring is best for activity holidays such as horse riding, cycling, windsurfing or golf; though by the end of the season true beach weather is almost guaranteed.

The humidity levels at this time of year are generally moderate, ranging from 60 to 75%, compared to the winter where humidity levels can exceed 80%.

By the end of spring,the sea temperature can be quite cool, ranging from 16°C to 17°C, so for some it may still be at bit too cold to go for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean.

How Much Does It Rain InSpring In The Algarve?

Rain decreases from March to May, with an average maximum of 40mm in March and April and only 20mm in May, compared to London in the UK, which sees an average of 50mm.

When Should I Go To The Algarve?

Spring is a superb time to visit the Algarve as temperatures are consistently warm and sometimes even in the mid-20s. Spring is also relatively quiet, meaning that many of the beaches are deserted.