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St. Thomas Weather in October, U.S. Virgin Islands

St. Thomas Averages October


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October Weather Averages

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October in St. Thomas is warm and slightly rainier than other months. Visitors still go there and are pleased to find that the majority of this rain comes in the mornings, making way for beautiful sunny afternoons.

Visitors who come in October will appreciate the casual atmosphere of the island. One particular draw in any season is the food. Most of the restaurants dress code is casual, although this does not mean that swimwear is appropriate. In fact, the locals are conservative in dress and frown upon tourists who wear bathing suits anywhere other than the beach. Many have beachfront views for patrons to enjoy while they dine.

The night life of St. Thomas is as active as ever, with several wine bars and locales like the Fat Turtle, a hot spot for dancing.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and St. Thomas does its share of raising awareness and money for several causes throughout the year.

In addition, the island holds a variety of foot races of many difficulty levels and lengths. These two things come together with the popular 2 mile walk/run for breast cancer. If you happen to be in St. Thomas in October, do your part and sign up.

The average temperature is still as warm as any so-called summer month.

The average low temperature is 76°F (24°C).

The average high temperature is 90°F (32°C).

The average sea temperature is just under its yearly high of 83°F (28.3°C).

There is an average of 5.57" (141.5 mm) of precipitation.

There is an average of 13 days of precipitation.

There is an average of 8 hours of sunlight per day.