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St. Thomas Weather in January, U.S. Virgin Islands

St. Thomas Averages January


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January Weather Averages

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The consistent temperatures and extremely brief rainy period of the island of St. Thomas make it a paradise for beachgoers all year. January is an ideal time to visit and tourists will get a chance to experience all that the island has to offer in terms of music, culture, food and activity.

Every January, the Arts Alive Concert Series begins. These concerts will run through June and will host both famous and little-known artists.

Those who yearn to see Carnival but can't wait until St. Thomas's celebration in April and May can venture to nearby St. John to witness this cultural spectacular of food,drink, music and dance, as well as all types of parades and singing. Nightly concerts and local crafts are two more of the exciting features.

There are lots of tours offered all year long. Interested tourists who would like to learn more about the island's history can go by taxi or by helicopter tours that fly over the entire island. 

Also, guided walking tours with knowledgeable guides can give an accurate picture of the island's past as well as insights into some of its larger-than-life legends.

The average lows and highs do not vary very much in any month, and January is no exception.

The average low temperature is 72°F (22°C).

The average high temperature is 86°F (30°C).

The average sea temperature is never lower than 79°F (26.1°C) during the "cooler" month of January.

There is an average of 1.89" (48 mm) of precipitation during this month.

There is an average of 10 days of precipitation.

There is an average of 8 hours of sunlight each day.