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Con Dao Weather in November, Vietnam

Con Dao Averages November


  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    8 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    160 mm

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Con Dao Daily Averages November

November 2024 Daily Averages

1 Avg 27º 81º
2 Avg 27º 81º
3 Avg 28º 82º
4 Avg 27º 81º
5 Avg 27º 81º
6 Avg 27º 81º
7 Avg 27º 81º
8 Avg 28º 82º
9 Avg 28º 82º
10 Avg 28º 82º
11 Avg 28º 82º
12 Avg 28º 82º
13 Avg 28º 82º
14 Avg 28º 82º
15 Avg 27º 81º
16 Avg 28º 82º
17 Avg 28º 82º
18 Avg 28º 82º
19 Avg 28º 82º
20 Avg 27º 81º
21 Avg 27º 81º
22 Avg 27º 81º
23 Avg 27º 81º
24 Avg 28º 82º
25 Avg 27º 81º
26 Avg 27º 81º
27 Avg 27º 81º
28 Avg 28º 82º
29 Avg 27º 81º
30 Avg 27º 81º
Avg Historical Daily Average

November Weather Averages

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Average temperatures for November are estimated at 27C and the sea water temperature is around 25C. The weather is starting to calm down a bit; rainfall is not as abundant as previous months and the wind isn't as harsh either. Humidity levels are maintained at 85 per cent in November, there are 5 hours of sunshine and roughly 15 days of rainfall.

With the sea still warm and winds dropping, diving and snorkelling is a viable option. Abundant with colourful coral reefs and rich and diverse marine life, Con Dao is a dream destination for keen divers and snorkelers.

Vietnam celebrates the Kate Festival in November. It is a spiritual celebration where the locals express their vulnerabilities in front of their god. The festival is organized in the Ninh Thuan Province of Vietnam, and it is a great celebration you might want to attend. 

Mass tourism in not that promoted on the island, so accommodation options are pretty limited. Ho Chi Minh City is one of the closest cities to Con Dao, so make it part of your trip and stay at The Riverside Apartments a quality place with good service and facilities.