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Oxford Live Weather, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom



10° 50°

Your Time: Time in Oxford: 00:53

12:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 10m
  • Pressure
    30" (1026 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    14 km/h

Sunrise 07:44

Sunset 17:54
  • Temp feels like:

    9ºC (48 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 10m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1026 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    14 km/h

What's The Weather Like In Oxford?

Like many cities and towns situated in the central south of the United Kingdom; Oxford has a nautical temperate climate. The weather in Oxford is typically unpredictable. One moment it might be beastly and the next it can be sunny and pleasant.

Oxford Has Kept Weather Records For Hundreds Of Years

Records of temperature in Central England have been kept in Oxford since 1659. Oxfordshire boasts the longest series of temperature and rainfall records for one site in Britain.

There is a field of awareness that due to climate change, temperatures are escalating in Oxford and precipitation is decreasing in summer and increasing in winter. 

The records incline that climates have risen by more than 5.5°C in Oxford since 1659. At the same time, there have been prominent changes to precipitation, with marked seasonal trends for drier summers and wetter winters.

What's Oxford Like In WInter?

It is preferable to holiday in Oxford during October and November while the climate is pleasing and crisp, headed for the commencement of winter. January is the coldest month with the average temperature settling at approximately 3°C.The average minimum temperature is 1.2°C and the average maximum at 6.6°C. 

Oxford's Coldest Temperatures

Oxford looks beautiful in the winter and often sees some snow. The lowest temperature ever witnessed in Oxford was in January 1982 when -16°C was recorded. The coldest winter ever recorded was the winter of 1962 - 1963, with an average temperature of -1°C over December, January, and February. This was evidently also the snowiest winter on record, with a total of 67 days of snow cover.

Does It Snow In Oxford?

Snow is most common in late winter and early spring in oxford and can accumulate to a level depth of 203mm.

Summer Weather In Oxford

July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 16°C. The average minimum climate can drop to 12°C and the average maximum can occasionally grasp a high of 21°C.

When Was The Warmest Day In Oxford?

The warmest day ever recorded was in July UK heatwave of 2019.  A  temperature of 35.1°C was recorded, beating the previous Oxford record of July 2006 when the temperature of 34.8°C.

Oxford Sunshine Months

June is the sunniest month averaging seven hours of bright sunlight per day; this is a huge difference when compared with the two hours of sunshine per day in the months of December and January.