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Kefalonia Live Weather, Greece



22° 72°

Your Time: Time in Kefalonia: 22:10

10:00 PM, Sun 27th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 45m
  • Pressure
    30" (1028 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    5 km/h

Sunrise 07:59

Sunset 18:44
  • Temp feels like:

    25ºC (76 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 45m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1028 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    5 km/h

What's the weather like in Kefalonia?


Kefalonia is home to a glorious Mediterranean climate and like its neighbouring Ionian islands, the seasons each have distinct weather. The best time to come is summer, when temperatures are high, sunshine hours are at their peak and rain is almost non-existent. However this is also the time that most tourists arrive, so you may prefer to visit during the off-peak seasons for a quieter holiday and potentially better deals. Summer and early autumn are ideal for swimming in the sea, as it's at its warmest.

Winter weather in Kefalonia


Winter on this Greek island is usually mild but wet it is the significant rainfall during this period that keeps the island green and lush for the remainder of the year. The average temperature ranges between 9°C and 13°C and January is the coldest month of the year. The average seasonal highs are 12°C to 13°C and the average lows are between 5°C and 7°C.

Typically, 8 February is the coldest day of the year, with an average low of 8°C and high of 14°C certainly too cold for sunbathing, but fine for a brisk walk along the island's beautiful coastline, if you wrap up well.


December is slightly warmer than January and February, but also wetter and more overcast, as it's the cloudiest month of the year. Rainfall is high throughout the season, but decreases as it progresses. December experiences the year's highest rainfall at 115mm over 12 days. By February it is typically around half that at 55mm over 11 days. You can expect a 40% to 44% daily chance of rain during winter often thunderstorms or light to moderate rain showers. Winds are light, with only calm to moderate breezes. February usually experiences the strongest winds of the year.

Sunshine Hours

Sunshine hours are typically six to seven hours a day, while the sea temperature in winter is a chilly 15°C to 17°C.

Spring weather in Kefalonia


Spring in Kefalonia is a very pleasant time to visit, with slightly cooler temperatures than autumn but often sunnier and drier. Spring sees average temperatures of about 12°C to 18°C, ranging from lows of 6°C to 12°C to highs of 14°C to 22°C, rising as the season progresses. Springtime visitors can expect 8 to 12 hours of sunlight per day and very enjoyable conditions. The sea temperature rises from 15°C to 19°C over the course of the season.


Rainfall drops markedly over spring, with March expecting 45mm, decreasing to 30mm in April and again to just 20mm in May, over seven to ten days per month, so this is a good time to visit.

Sunshine Hours

Sunshine hours are on the rise, at eight to twelve hours per day on average. However, April brings the highest humidity of the year, usually being very humid three days out of four.


Wind speeds are still moderate breezes at most, with May experiencing the year's lightest breezes. This is also the time of year that the partly cloudy skies begin to clear.

Summer weather in Kefalonia


Summer is hot and dry with a great deal of sunshine. The average temperatures are 23°C to 26°C, climbing to balmy highs of 26°C to 29°C and only dipping to average lows of 16°C to 18°C. July is the hottest month of the year and this is also the month with the longest daily sunshine hours, shining 13 to 14 hours a day in the summer. The hottest day of the year is typically 16 August, with an average high of 30°C and low of 23°C.


July is also the driest month of the year, often experiencing no rain at all, while June and August have just 5mm of rain over four or five days. The skies are often their clearest in July and this month is also the least humid of the year, with mildly humidity three days out of four.


While the island is in the path of the northeast Meltemi winds, these aren't as strong in the summer months so sometimes there isn't that cooling breeze to temper the scorching summer highs.

Sea Temperature

The sea temperature is typically between 23°C to 26°C in the summer, hitting its warmest temperature of the year in August an ideal time for taking part in various water sports.

Autumn Weather in Kefalonia


Autumn is a fine time to visit Kefalonia, slightly warmer than spring but with more rainfall. The average temperature ranges from 14°C to 22°C, with highs of 17°C to 26°C and lows of 9°C to 16°C, getting milder as the season progresses.

Sea Temperature

The sea temperature falls from 25°C to 20°C and rainfall returns, with 30mm to 100mm over five to ten days over the course of the season. These will mostly be thunderstorms and light to moderate rain showers. Thunderstorms are most likely at the end of November, when they occur during around 20% of all days.

Sunshine Hours

As the days start to shorten, sunshine in autumn decreases to between ten and seven hours per day and the weather becomes cloudier from the start of October.

Weather Hazards in Kefalonia


Kefalonia has a relatively low chance of any major storms or weather hazards. The most hazardous weather you will bump into on the island is thunderstorms which mostly occur in late autumn and early winter. However, thunderstorms are the most common form of precipitation throughout the year.