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Sofia Live Weather, Bulgaria



8° 46°

Your Time: Time in Sofia: 20:51

8:00 PM, Tue 22nd Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 44m
  • Pressure
    30" (1028 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    4 km/h

Sunrise 07:49

Sunset 18:33
  • Temp feels like:

    7ºC (44 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 44m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1028 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    4 km/h

Weather Sofia , Bulgaria 

Sofiaâs climate is continental; it is cold and snowy in winter and hot and wet in summer. Usually hot and wet combines to produce humid conditions; however, Sofiaâs elevation means that it maintains relatively low average humidity throughout summer compared with other areas in Bulgaria. It also means that it is cooler year round than might be expected this far from the coast.

Sofia is the historic capital of Bulgaria - one of the oldest cities in Europe. The city lies at the foot of the mountain Vitosha Massif, deep in the Sofia Valley. The valley is surrounded by mountains on all four sides and lies 530 metres above sea level.


While summers in Sofia can get very hot, it is in fact cooler than many other, lower lying, areas of Bulgaria.

Between June and September the city sees average high temperatures in the 20s. July and August are the hottest months with average highs of 26°C and average lows of 14°C, which is pleasantly mild. Sheltered from the winds by the surrounding mountains, there is little to temper the heat and if a heat wave visits the area temperatures can soar as high as 40°C. Generally, temperatures sit at comfortable levels.

Unfortunately, summer is the wettest period in the city. Rainfall peaks in spring and is still very high at the start of summer. It quickly decreases to moderate levels and is usually restricted to a few heavy showers each month, becoming less frequent as the season progresses. The short showers leave time for ten hours of sunshine per day in July and August, the sunniest months.

Summer is a great time to visit Sofia; while it is hot it is cooler than other areas in the country. However, many locals flock to coastal resorts in August for their summer holidays, so some cafes, shops and Mehamiâs (traditional Bulgarian taverns) may close.


White winters are guaranteed in Sofia and skiing is a favourite activity on the Vitosha Massif. January is the coldest month with an average high of 2°C and an average low of -5°C. December and February are a couple of degrees warmer. Luckily the surrounding mountains shelter Sofia from the freezing winter winds that come from northern Europe.

This is actually the driest time of year but low precipitation levels are deceptive as precipitation usually falls as snow which covers the city in a thick blanket. Sunshine levels drop to one hour per day in December but this improves as the season progresses.

Autumn and Spring

The shoulder seasons are times of rapid change. Obviously, it is warmer towards summer and cooler towards winter. Spring sees average highs creeping to 10°C in March, 15°C in April and 20°C in May. Average lows start out at 0°C but work up to 9°C in May. Autumn sees average highs dropping to 17°C in October and down to 10°C in November and night times are very cold with average lows of 6°C and 1°C respectively. Spring is much wetter than autumn with rainfall increasing throughout the season to the annual peak in May. However, sunshine levels in May are far preferable to those in October.