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Amsterdam Live Weather, Noord-Holland, Netherlands



10° 50°

Your Time: Time in Amsterdam: 01:48

1:00 AM, Thu 24th Oct

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    10h 08m
  • Pressure
    30" (1032 hpa)
  • Visibility
    0 km (0miles)
  • Wind speed
    9 km/h

Sunrise 08:20

Sunset 18:28
  • Temp feels like:

    9ºC (48 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    10h 08m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1032 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    0 miles (0 km)

  • Wind speed:

    9 km/h

Weather overview for Amsterdam , Holland 

Amsterdam is the largest city in the Netherlands and is officially recognized as the capital city, although the government and parliament are based in The Hague.

The city is also famous for its numerous canals. More than 100 kilometer of canals, 90 islands and 1,500 bridges help to make up the city. The three main canals were constructed in the 17th century as a form of city planning.

Today, the beauty and history of Amsterdam make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe with tours, museums and plenty to see.

Amsterdam is home to some of the world's best museums housing some of the world's finest art from grand masters to more modern artists. It is also the home of Anne Frank's house as well as a world-class park that brings people together from all over the world to take in live concerts and other activities.

Visitors can also tour the city's breweries as well as learn about the history of World War II and how it not only affected the city, but also the nation. Other tourist locations include the various markets, theaters and regional windmills. There are even nearby beaches that tourists and locals alike flock to during the warmer summer months.

There are numerous festivals throughout the year to appeal to a wide range of people and interests as well as open-air concerts and those given at the city's many pubs and bars. Sporting events are very popular in the city with residents gathering at neighborhood pubs to take in the latest game.

The party doesn't stop when the sun goes down as Amsterdam is home to a vibrant nightlife scene. Clubs, bars, pubs and cafes can be found in every corner of the city.

Like many European cities, Amsterdam is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. It is home to a large network of cycle routes that provide a unique way to take in the architecture and other sights of the city. Additionally, many choose to see the city by one of the many boat tours that travel the extensive canal network.


The weather in Amsterdam can be changeable over the course of a few days so following the weather forecast is definitely a good idea. Average daily temperatures reach approximately 2.5°C (37°F) in the coldest month of January, swinging to an average of 17°C (62°F) in the warmest month of August.

Within each month Amsterdam usually does not see wild temperature swings from afternoon highs to evening lows thanks to the moderating effect of the nearby North Sea. The sea's proximity also keeps snow at a minimum throughout the year, despite temperatures falling to below freezing for short periods of time.


Amsterdam is one of the wettest cities in Europe in terms of how many days see precipitation. Of the 365 days of the year, an average of 185 will see some rain and/or snow depending on the season.

Much of the rain in the city is light and drizzly in nature without heavy downpours or thunderstorms and the result is approximately 800mm of precipitation per year, so packing an umbrella is a good idea!  In comparison, throughout the year, sunshine averages about 1600 hours making it comparable to much of southern England.  

Average Sea Temperature

It is possible to swim in the seas nearby Amsterdam, but only during the summer months when sea surface temperatures climb to an average of 18°C in August. Sea temperatures will be much colder in winter with an average of 6°C in February.

Winter Weather in Amsterdam

Winter in Amsterdam is defined by cold conditions with January being the coldest month of the year with average highs of 5°C and lows near freezing. During this time, snow is not out of the question, but amounts are generally light.

Prolonged bitter cold snaps are rare thanks to the proximity of the North Sea, but this can change if the winds come from the east and off of continental Europe for an extended time.

Spring Weather in Amsterdam

Both spring and fall are very pleasant times to be in Amsterdam with spring being the drier of the two seasons.


Fall tends to be wetter with November being the wettest month of the year with an average of 90mm of precipitation. April and May tend to be some of the drier months of the year, each receiving approximately 35-45mm of rain.


Temperatures in the spring are steadily warming from 9°C (48°F) for afternoon highs and 3°C (37°F) for lows in March to 17°C (62°F) highs and 8°C (46°F) lows in May. The number of sunlight hours also increases to 10 hours per day by the time May rolls around. 

In the fall, temperatures drop from highs in September of 18°C (64° F) to 9°C (51° F) in November.  Lows over the same time period will plummet from 10°C (50°F) to 4°C (39°F).  Diminishes sunlight also signals winter is ahead with only three hours of sunlight per day in November.

Summer Weather in Amsterdam

Summer is very pleasant in Amsterdam with very few overly hot spells and as such it is a popular time to visit. The weather is warm enough for any outdoor activity or beach trip. Rain rates, however, continue to remain fairly high. August is the warmest month in the city with highs of 21°C (70° F) and lows of 12°C (55° F), rainfall still reaching 54mm across the month.