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Bahia Maimon Weather in March, Dominican Republic

Bahia Maimon Averages March


  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    7 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    9 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    110 mm

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Bahia Maimon Daily Averages March

March 2024 Daily Averages

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March Weather Averages

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March in Bahia Maimon: tropical heat, very little wet weather and around 7 hours of sunshine every day effectively guaranteed. As a winter getaway, Bahia Maimon is a fantastic choice.

As a holiday destination, Bahia Maimon is paradisiacal, the ideal choice for any sun worshippers.

Though the temperatures reach their peaks in the summer months, many tourists find the winter months the best times to visit. The temperature during this month can reach highs of 30°C (86°F) or drop to lows of 19°C (66°F).

At this time of the year, you get to enjoy the tropical heat without the high levels of humidity that can be experienced in the summer, making it a good time to visit if you're not a fan of such intense heat.

As for rain, don't expect much. Wet weather is rarely seen in March and showers tend to be brief anyway, so your time on the beach won't be spoiled. The average amount of rainfall is 110 mm over 9 days.

With beaches as glorious as the Dominican Republic's, it's a given that water sports are popular activities and there are plenty to try out. The resort offers the perfect conditions for scuba diving and snorkelling. Or you could stay above the surface on a sailing or fishing trip.  The average temperature of the sea is 26°C (79°F).