Our users are from every country in the world and we daily get between 150,000 and 250,000 unique users per day.
50% of our users are from the Uk 18% the US, 5% Australia, 4% Canada, 4% Ireland, 4% India and the remainder the Rest of the World.
1. People who are planning to go on holiday and are researching the weather ahead of time , they mainly look at our Monthly Averages Pages and Annual Averages Pages
2. Those who are booking a last minute holiday or weekend break will check out our forecast pages as they extend to 25 days
3. People who want to know what the weather is now or short term hourly and daily forecasts , they are about to travel
Our users visit the site on all three devices as listed below. We have 1000s of top 3 Organic Search positions so our visitors are 1 click from these Google, Yahoo and Bing Search
Out of 69 Million user sessions over the last year:
27 Million returned to the site
Male 59%
Female 41%
We have over 4 Million unique users and serve up over 25 Million ad impressions per month.
55% of our traffic is from uk users. 16% from the US and the remainder from the rest of the world.
90% is organic from search engines.
1% is from link from other sites.
9% is direct.
1. Ad slots on all devices
2. Articles about your firm on the site
3. Search boxes
4. Exit pop ups (contextual to the resort that the user is looking at)
1. Type of travel (eg : all inclusive holidays, weekend breaks, travel extras etc)
2. Resorts
3. Regions
4. Countries
5. Forecast types (eg: where is will be sunny for the next 25 days above 20 degrees)
6. User locations by country, region, town(s) or postcode.
Here you can take over a location 100% for all ad slots. be it Tenerife, Majorca, Cancun or a combination of resorts.
You can decide which page(s) you want you ads to run on either, live, forecast, averages or any of the 12 monthly averages pages
As our users are looking at forecasts (like a 25 day forecast) and certain months on the monthly weather averages pages. You can tailor and target your ad to when the user is seac hing for a forecast or which month they are looking at the averages.
There is the option of just paying for clicks to your site. This works well with large ads that are not viewable when the user opens up the page on the site: Its dependant on the user scrolling down the page and clicking on the ad
On Tablet and Mobile we have Sticky Ads so they stay on the Browsers screen irrespective of where they are looking on the site, these get very high CPMS and high click through rates. These are mainly on tablet 728x90 and on mobile 320x100
For example if you are looking to sell holidays in Crete in May then the ideal advertisements going to be on this page: www.holiday-weather.com/crete/averages/may. Check on Tablet and Mobile
This is especially relevant when you are looking for forward bookings say in January for Summer holidays where you know you have great prices and great margins. There is the facility to advertise for a given resort or a given set of resorts exclusively as a sponsorship or tenancy deal. (see targeting above)
This can be done on a CPM basis or as a CPC (cost per click)
If you are a company that sells car hire, travel insurance or airport parking then for example the forecast pages would be ideal for your advertisements: www.holiday-weather.com/tenerife/forecast